Hey! I’m Jorden Deserrano and I have been part of the tSF family for over 5 years now.
Jorden Deserrano
Penetration tester
I started at tSF as an intern, with the goal of creating new spectacular “hacking demos” for our customers. During that internship, I was still debating if I wanted to go in the software development or security testing direction. Luckily, during my time as an intern, I had the opportunity to test my skills as a penetration tester. I was hooked immediately and the doubt was gone.
Now, a couple of years later, I’ve been pentesting in a lot of different fields. I now have experience in web applications, mobile applications, network and infrastructure testing, kiosk outbreaks, stolen device tests, wireless testing and so much more! All of these test require a new skillset to learn, but the goal is always the same: finding security weaknesses. And let me tell you, there is nothing better than finding a new, out-of-the-box-thinking security flaw that the customer didn’t know about. It’s always a big eureka-moment! Being able to do this legally is just awesome. It is by far the coolest job in the world.
In addition to pentesting, I also enjoy giving lessons and presenting to people. It allows me to share my passion for hacking with others in a more interactive way. It also improves the awareness of our customers a lot. Showing people how easy it can be to hack someone/some company, can be a real eye-opener. I always believe that when I leave a company after a presentation, I have made the company a little bit safer. That’s truly a good feeling.

Having the ability to explore all those facets within one company is amazing. That is why I still love working at the Security Factory today.
A boring work day just doesn’t exist here.