Hydroko Customer testimonials

Importance of security for the customer

Hydroko makes digital water meters, in particular the production and assembly. The data and statistics read by sensors are then offered to customers via an own built data platform.

Hydroko provides privacy related data on water consumption. A privacy by design architecture is in place and the data sent from sensor to platform happens with end-to-end encryption. Therefore security is important for customers, which are mainly public institutions (water companies).

Testimonial Hydroko

The mission of tSF

Hydroko is no reputable company in the field of software building, so it is of great importance that an independent party proves that we have a secure platform. It is also important for customers and even contractually obligatory in some cases. tSF does this in a professional and objective way.

Recording this data securely and sending it to the platform is one thing, keeping the application safe from hackers is another. This is where tSF comes by.

Why tSF

After many years (over 5 years) of cooperation between Hydroko and tSF, we are still very satisfied with tSF’s services. Smooth communication, flexible scheduling, and professional reports. This is also feedback coming from our developers, who are always happy with the clear reporting and remediation advise for them to implement.
